Natural remedies for urinary infection

There are many ways to fight a urinary infection without taking an antibiotic, although natural solutions should always be considered in mild cases.

Natural remedies for urinary infection

Natural remedies can be carried out in your own home. It is important to drink plenty of water to replenish good bacteria with probiotics, these home remedies can help alleviate the symptoms of urine infection:

Drink enough fluids to relieve urinary infection

Drinking enough water (with a good filter) helps kill bacteria and puts you on the right path to recovery from urinary tract problems. How much water is recommended to drink? The ideal water consumption can be measured with approximately 1 liter of water for every 25 kilograms of weight, but this does not include food or other beverages that can hydrate the body.

Cranberry an ally to treat urinary infection

Cranberry juice also helps kill bacteria and prevents it from sticking to the bladder wall, so it can be effective in preventing urinary infection. Make sure to choose the unsweetened juice. Dr. Lucille tells her patients that it is advisable to drink 16 to 32 ounces of unsweetened cranberry juice daily.

Get vitamin C

The vitamin C makes the urine more acidic, which fights bacteria in the urinary tract. If you have an active urinary infection, taking vitamin C supplements can help or start consuming foods rich in this vitamin such as orange, red pepper and parsley among many others.

Natural yogurt and probiotics

Expel bad bacteria with good bacteria. The yogurt contains probiotics, which is good bacteria that helps eliminate bad bacteria that can cause urinary tract infections, says Kandis Rios, a urologist at the Hospital Henry Ford in Detroit, Michigan. It is always a good idea to eat yogurt regularly, but it is particularly important when you are taking an antibiotic to treat urinary tract infection, as antibiotics can kill the body’s natural good bacteria.

Soothe pain with heat.

Inflammation and irritation of the urinary tract causes burning, pressure and pain around the pubic area, Ríos says. Applying a heating pad can help soothe pain in the area. Keep the temperature low, and limit it to 15 minutes to an hour.

Using baking soda to ease urinary infection pain

If the urinary infection occurs in a very painful way, with burning when urinating that is usually one of the most common conditions, it can help to calm it by drinking half a teaspoon of baking soda mixed with a glass of water, stir it and drink it. Care should be taken in people with hypertension problems.

Avoid irritating foods

Things like caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, nicotine, carbonated beverages, and artificial sweeteners can irritate your bladder and make your body’s healing process more difficult. Focusing on healthy foods, such as high-fiber carbohydrates and healthy fats like olive oil, are the best option to avoid urinary tract problems.

Empty your bladder as much as possible

Try to empty your bladder every time you go to urinate (even if it’s just a small amount) to get rid of some of the bacteria that are causing the infection. Keeping the bladder clean prevents the formation of urinary infections.

Use herbal remedies

Herbs that have diuretic properties increase the amount of urine that passes through the bladder, thus helping to eliminate bacteria. Herbs like hydrangea, parsley leaves, dandelion are natural diuretics. Parsley seeds also contain a substance that is sometimes used to treat urinary tract infections; it also helps reduce inflammation. The ponytail is a diuretic, astringent that helps promote urine flow and stop the bleeding in the urinary tract.

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