Tonic to cleanse the liver and gallbladder

This homemade preparation is a powerful tonic to cleanse the liver and purify the gallbladder, it also provides benefits for the skin since it can cleanse our body from the inside, making our skin look more beautiful.

Benefits of this tonic to cleanse the liver.

The bitterness of dandelion blends seamlessly with the sweetness of apples, and the properties of garlic, onion, and ginger. Actually, this toner is a delicious and highly purifying drink for every day or during a juice fast. This makes it a powerful natural remedy to cleanse the liver and improve gallbladder function.

Since it is a bitter tonic, dandelion helps the liver to produce enzymes and the gallbladder to produce bile for better assimilation of nutrients.

Other benefits of homemade toner.

  • Protects, heals and tones the liver.
  • Kidney tonic: diuretic and reduces fluid retention.
  • Helps with female symptoms such as “hot flashes, menstrual swelling, breast tenderness”.
  • Greatly improves skin problems.
  • Helps detoxify the liver with which you can improve its functioning.

Fresh dandelion juice.

The bitterness of the dandelion leaves is softened by the sweetness of the apples and the accents of onion, ginger and garlic. It is a delicious and cleansing juice to drink daily or during a juice fast.


  • 1 bunch of fresh dandelion leaves.
  • 4 apples.
  • 2 small garlic cloves.
  • 1 piece of fresh ginger of approx. 2.5 cm.
  • 1 small slice of onion.

Makes approximately 570 ml of juice.

Methods and steps: 

  1. Wash and rinse the dandelions and apples.
  2. Slice the apples in half and remove the core.
  3. Remove the skin from the garlic and onion and cut 2.5 cm of fresh ginger.
  4. It passes everything through a juicer and it is ready for you to enjoy.

Smoothies of natural origin to care for, purify and nourish the liver.

You can find as a complement to this information other options to purify the liver.

The liver is one of the organs that has the most responsibilities for the normal functioning of the body. In this sense, it is important that we take maximum care of the liver, considering that it is responsible for cleaning the blood, synthesizing proteins and enzymes, eliminating toxins, storing vitamins and getting rid of heavy metals that could make us sick.

Considering the above, liver care is extremely important to ensure that our body is in a healthy state. For this we advise you to avoid dangerous habits such as tobacco, alcohol, a sedentary life and similar attitudes that put the health of the body at risk.

All these bad habits can cause cirrhosis, fatty liver, ulcers and other digestive disorders, among several other serious diseases.

To complement this work by taking care of this organ and guaranteeing the well-being of the organism, there are natural options such as smoothies designed to cleanse the liver and improve its functioning. On this occasion we suggest two alternatives:

A smoothie with lemon and beets for liver health.

As for beets, it should be noted that it is responsible for regulating blood pressure and mineralizing the body, as well as being rich in antioxidants. Regarding the lemon, it is a fruit known to alkalize the body.

  • A beet.
  • One lemon’s juice.
  • A glass of water.

To prepare the smoothie to purify and nourish the liver you have to:

  1. Clean cooked beets well.
  2. Cut the beets into several pieces to make the smoothie easier to make.
  3. Obtain the juice of a lemon and add it to the blender with the beets and the glass of water.
  4. Blend for a few minutes.
  5. The final drink must be homogeneous, attractive in color and be drunk in the morning.

A parsley and celery smoothie.

Consuming parsley is helpful to cleanse the liver and kidneys naturally. For its part, celery not only stands out for being an excellent vegetable for the preparation of smoothies but it is also diuretic and rich in minerals.

  • A branch of celery.
  • A cucumber.
  • A glass of water.
  • One teaspoon of parsley.

The steps to follow are:

  1. Clean the ingredients well.
  2. Cut each of them into small pieces so that the smoothie can be made without problems.
  3. Add to the processor all the ingredients with the glass of water.
  4. The smoothie that you will get will be green in color, very healthy for the liver.

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